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Fast Attack Portable Marina Firefighting Systems
Best Marine Solutions - Fast Attack


The Coast Guard will not fight marine fires. It is up to your fire department to contain the fire; however according to the U.S. Fire Association, the average fire response time is 9 minutes. FEMA says that in less than 30 seconds a small flame can turn into a major fire. Combined with a marina’s close quarters, unpredictable weather, fueling and electrical systems—you need a direct response plan to protect your assets. Each year marina fires and boat explosions cause millions of dollars in property damage. Dock fires pose serious problems because they are much harder to reach than land fires. Water supply, water pressure, and access to the fire from land is challenging. Your safety plan should include training staff, educating guests and providing adequate and well placed fire response systems.

Self-contained, light weight and foam capable, The Portable Fast Attack III fire fighting system can be quickly deployed by a single trained individual. It can easily be rolled down the dock and start pumping fire fighting water or foam at a flow rate of 100 GPM. At this pressure, the fire fighting stream of water will reach a distance of 80 to 100 feet. This “First Strike” capability can extinguish or contain a fire until local fire and rescue arrive.

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